One of my dearest friends had a birthday coming up and was in serious need of some R&R. Naturally, we decided to surprise her in the most dramatic fashion possible—by busting into her house blasting Wilson Phillips' "Hold On." The look on her face? Pure shock (with a hint of terror). Mission accomplished! Surprise girl's trip to Joshua Tree! Over 10 people managed to keep this secret under wraps for nearly two months. There were some close calls with significant others, but we pulled it off.
I should mention that I'm either ridiculously early or fashionably late. It’s a work in progress. In this case, I almost ruined the whole surprise by being way too excited and showing up nearly an hour early. I had to park blocks away just in case she came outside. Naturally, I killed time by grabbing coffee, which took so long that I nearly ended up late. Typical! Anyway, she had zero idea what was happening—and to top it off, we even flew in a dear friend to surprise her!

And we were off! Cue: desert vibes. A stunning house with a pool, cheeseboards, massage guns, facials, and a hot tub. No kids. No spouses. Just friends who’ve known each other for so long, I won’t even mention the number—it might blow my fake age.

Long live the birthday girl!
